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The Importance of The Cage Territory by Sally Blanchard Topic: Behavioral
In the wild, parrots can be quite territorial during breeding season, establishing well-defined boundaries that they defend with their mate or flock against intrusion. Just as the wild parrot established its territories, a caged bird instinctively establishes its territory in the cage and/or househo...
Published: Tuesday 22 June, 2004
Checking the "Status Quo" by Shari Beaudoin Topic: Behavioral
The topic that Sally Blanchard discussed during her April 9, 2000 seminar, sponsored by Parrot Island was her analogy of the "status quo". What she meant was that every day parrots are constantly making sure that everything is the same. Why they do this and how it effects our day-to-day interaction ...
Published: Tuesday 22 June, 2004
My Bird Won't Eat That by Scott Stork Topic: Diet and Nutrition
This is a comment we hear almost every time we talk to new customers about improving their bird's diet. Most people assume that their bird cannot be convinced to eat a new food because he or she doesn't like the taste of it. That is rarely the case.
Published: Tuesday 22 June, 2004
Recommended Foods Part Four: Specific Bird Recommendations by Scott Stork Topic: Diet and Nutrition
Okay, one last quick article to tie together any loose ends from the first three Recommended Foods articles. When it comes right down to it most people seem to just want to know exactly what we recommend for their type of bird. We are currently doing research and working on specific diet recommendat...
Published: Tuesday 22 June, 2004
Recommended Foods Part Three: ''People Foods'' and Treats by Scott Stork Topic: Diet and Nutrition
In the first two articles in this series I discussed mixes and processed foods that should make up a large portion of your bird's diet. In this article I will try and cover every type of food that hasn't already been discussed. These foods may make-up as much as 50% of a bird's diet but are usually ...
Published: Tuesday 22 June, 2004
Recommended Foods Part Two: Seeds and Natural Foods by Scott Stork Topic: Diet and Nutrition
What do Seed and Natural Foods mean? This could mean simple seed only mixes. It could mean sprouting mixes. It could also mean mixes that contain these things plus dried fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole foods and holistic additives or any other people food.
Published: Tuesday 22 June, 2004
Recommended Foods Part One: Formulated Diets by Scott Stork Topic: Diet and Nutrition
Formulated Diets, Often called pellets, should make up the base of every bird's diet. (With many of the smaller birds we recommend mixing the formulated diets half-and-half with seed to form the base.) This base should make up 1/2 to 3/4 of the bird's diet.
Published: Tuesday 22 June, 2004
Treasure Chest Assembly and Care by Terry Beaudoin Topic: General Care
Here are some useful hints on how to assemble (some XL model Treasure Chests are shipped with the drawers separately packed) and care for your new Parrot Island Treasure Chest Foraging Toy. *We have also sent along a handout entitled "One Method of Introducing New Things" that we have found to be ve...
Published: Tuesday 22 June, 2004
Parrot Island Acrylic Cage and Carrier Care by Terry Beaudoin Topic: General Care
After having used these cages since 1988 we have developed what we feel is the best method to care for your pet bird in your new acrylic cage. Our main concern is to keep our birds in the cleanest, healthiest environment we can and have that task be as easy as possible.
Published: Tuesday 22 June, 2004
Why We Use and Recommend Our Acrylic Cages by Terry Beaudoin Topic: General Care
Over the years we have seen an upsurge in the number of companies producing and selling acrylic bird cages. Along with these cages have come numerous criticisms from reliable sources. And rightly so, we feel that the bulk of the acrylic cages manufactured today are of very poor quality. Unfortunatel...
Published: Tuesday 22 June, 2004
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01.Organic Jumbo Striped Sunflower Seeds: 1/4 Pound
02.Parrot Island Medium Formulated Diet Mix: 4 Pound
03.Parrot Island Cockatiel/Small Parrot Mix(w/Pellets) 3 Pound
04.Parrot Island Standard Parrot Mix: 4 Pound (No Pellets)
05.Parrot Island Standard Parrot Mix: 2 Pound (No Pellets)
06.Naturally Grown Golden Millet Spray: 2 Sizes
07.Parrot Island Custom Parrot Mix: 4 Pound (No Pellets)
08.Parrot Island Custom Parrot Mix: 2 Pound (No Pellets)
09.Organic Almonds, In the Shell: 1/2 Pound
10.Parrot Island Cockatiel/Small Parrot Mix: 4 Pound (No Pellets)
Reviews more
Naturally Grown Golden Millet Spray: 2 Sizes
The Bachelors (aka 3 elderly male cockatiels) love this mill ..
5 of 5 Stars!

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