Please feel free to contact us for recommendations on what size or type of treat might be a good choice for your specific companion bird - as well as how much to offer your bird at any one time.
Human Consumption Grade Shelled Brazil Nuts: 1/4 Pound
These are the highest quality Brazil Nuts we can find! They are an excellent treat (when given in moderation) that many species of birds love! Most medium and smaller sized birds like hese nuts better if you either cut them in halves, thirds or shave them in about nickel sized pieces.
Brazil Nuts are the highest natural source of Selenium which has been found to be very important nutritionally for all African Parrots, especially African Greys. They contain decent amounts of Phosphorous, Potassium and Vitamin B. They are also a good source digestable protein and some of the fats that are beneficial to us and our birds - in limited quantities!
Brazil nuts grow as the fruit of huge trees all through the Amazonian Rainforest. The nut that we see has actually been removed from a softball sized pod. Take a look at the pictures to the right to see the Brazil Nut Pod as well as a Blue & Gold Macaw enjoying some!
Please take a look at all the variety of a Treats, Breads and Cook Mixes we offer by clicking on the underlined link.
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