Please contact us for information, and for more recommendations as to which food is best suited to your bird's specific dietary needs.
Parrot Island's Cockatiel/Small Parrot Mix: 3 Pound.
Recommended for Small Parrot species including - Cockatiels, Lovebirds, Parrotlets, etc. (See more specifics on our recommendations below).
PLEASE NOTE: This mixture is available in two formulas. You will be able to choose which formula you would like in the Available Options box located above. The details of how to determine which formula is best for your bird are shown below.
The Adult/Low Stress Mix is recommended for birds over 1 year old who are not under stress or in need of weight gain. This diet is the one that suits the average needs bird best.
It is pictured at the top at right
The Juvenile/Special Needs Mix is recommended for birds up to 1 year old or who birds that are heavily molting or under stress. We also recommend it for birds who have been determined to be underweight or in need of elevated fats and proteins in their diet by a qualified Avian Veterinarian.
It is pictured in the bottom picture at right
The middle picture at right shows what the bee-pollen and high vitamin A herb flakes that are such an excellent, useable dietary supplement actually look like.
This mix contains Parrot Island's Cockatiel/Small Parrot Mix (click on the link for the ingredients list) mixed with 2 of the small bird formulated diets we use and recommend.
We also highly recommend mixing in 1/2 pound of either Harrison's Adult Lifetime Fine Grind Formula or Harrisons Adult Lifetime Mash to the Adult/Low Stress Formula
1/2 pound of either Harrison's High Potency Fine Grind Formula or Harrisons High Potency Mash to the Juvenile/Specialty Needs Formula. (Click on the underlined link to order either.) (The cost of Harrison's is not included in this price and must be ordered separately).
The bottom picture at right shows what the bee-pollen and high vitamin A herb flakes that are such an excellent, useable dietary supplement actually look like.
Click here to see the complete line of our Parrot Island Specialty Mixes.
For more information on what we use and recommend for the diet of companion birds - take a look at these articles in the Educational Articles section of our website: (Click on the underlined link)
Diet and Nutrition
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